With support from The Prince's Trust we can help fast-track you into a Health & Social Care role. Explore courses we're running in your area or get matched with a Prince's Trust mentor to help you become the best applicant you can be!
Upcoming Programmes
Not sure which course to join?
Have a quick chat with our team and we'll help you find a suitable programme or match you with a mentor!
Partners we work with
Our Support
Who does The Prince's Trust help?
We help young people aged between 18-30 and have the right to work in the UK. Some of our partners will require additional qualifications on a role by role basis.
We run 'Get Started' and 'Get Into' courses designed to give you the experience and knowledge to become a successful applicant for a role in Health & Social Care.

Get Started courses are 3-5 days long and designed to give you the training you need to get a job in the sector.

Get Into courses are longer than Get Started courses with additional traning and work experience with one of our employer partners.
We'll match you with a passionate industry-relevant mentor who will support you with your career journey offering their assistance, encouragement and inspiration along the way.
Meet Your Local Team
Success Stories

© 2022 The Prince's Trust - registered charity: England and Wales 1079675 and Scotland SC041198