With support from The Prince's Trust we can help fast-track you into a Health & Social Care role. Explore courses we're running in your area or get matched with a Prince's Trust mentor to help you become the best applicant you can be!
With support from The Prince's Trust we can help fast-track you into a Health & Social Care role.
Explore courses we're running in your area or get matched with a Prince's Trust mentor to help you become the best applicant you can be!
Upcoming Courses
Upcoming Programmes
Not sure which course to join?
Have a quick chat with our team and we'll help you find a suitable programme or match you with a mentor!
We run 'Get Started' and 'Get Into' programmes designed to give you the experience and knowledge to become a successful applicant for a role in Health & Social Care.
We'll match you with a passionate industry-relevant mentor who will support you with your career journey offering their assistance, encouragement and inspiration along the way.
Whether you want to become a NHS Healthcare Assistant, or an Admin Assistant for a care provider, with lots of employer partners we can help you find a vacancy available that suits you.
Meet Your Local Team
North West Team
We're always here to help if you need us or have any questions about our courses, mentors, or available roles.
We'll match you with a passionate industry-relevant mentor who will support you with your career journey offering their assistance, encouragement and inspiration along the way.
We run 'Get Started' and 'Get Into' programmes designed to give you the experience and knowledge to become a successful applicant for a role in Health & Social Care.
Whether you want to become a NHS Healthcare Assistant, or an Admin Assistant for a care provider, with lots of employer partners we can help you find a vacancy available that suits you.
The Prince's Trust in partnership with Lancashire Teaching Hospitals (Preston & Chorley) are recruiting for a 5-day online programme. Throughout this time, you will - Gain insight into a day in the life of an Administrator, learn values, skills and attitudes required for a job in the NHS, as well as this you will receive an opportunity to apply for live vacancies with application support and interview techniques/practice.
The Prince's Trust in partnership with Lancashire Teaching Hospitals (Preston & Chorley) are recruiting for a 5-day online programme. Throughout this time, you will - Gain insight into a day in the life of an Administrator, learn values, skills and attitudes required for a job in the NHS, as well as this you will receive an opportunity to apply for live vacancies with application support and interview techniques/practice.
If you are interested in, already applying for, about to start, or simply want to learn more about the roles and career paths available in Health & Social Care, then Steps Into could be perfect for you. Made up of optional sessions and support based on what you want and need, Steps Into is your flexible course designed to fit around any work, training, or general life commitments that may be holding you back.
Every other week we run a 2-hour introduction (access) session where your journey will start and from this point you can learn about the support and options available which include:
Financial support to help with the cost of equipment, further training, first month travel costs, clothing, etc
Dedicated 1:1 help and encourage you in your search for jobs, help you to apply and then then support you to be interview ready.
Access to monthly calendar(s) of a variety of short 2-hour sessions to support you learn, develop, and prepare for the sector which include: Application workshops, interview skills, resilience & wellbeing, CV workshops, Safeguarding, and much more.
1:1 support from our specialist team through the recruitment, onboarding, and transition processes
Register for more information or to sign up to the next or future access sessions.